Friday, May 13, 2011

But I Wanna!

Good Evening! I hope everyone's week went well, I am happy for the end of another week and 3 more weeks of the regular school year and the end of probably the toughest month of the school year. Its almost as if all the teachers, administration ans support staff get senioritis and would call in sick to go hang out at the mall.
The only bonus to this senioritis is the last two weekends we have had temps in the 80's. This is rare for so late in the season, we generally are locked in the house with A/C blasting during May and start praying for the beginning of November to hurry up and get here. I think I will venture out on my first walk since spraining my ankle almost 2 weeks ago and this has been a hard thing for me not to do.

 With the recent sprained ankle I had a topic strike me that I wanted to share.  The feeling I am talking about is wanting to do something.Almost obsessively needing to do something that was completely impossible for me to do.  You know how when you know you can't do something  is when you want it the most? When you know you shouldn't eat something that is when you want it the most, you practically dream about it.
Since last Monday after I had been to the doctor and found out that it could take up to 2 weeks to completely heal all I have wanted to do was workout. I didn't realize that how much I would miss working out until I wasn't able to do it. Now for the past few months I have been working out on a regular basis (at least 5 days a week), but quite frequently I would be struck by the lazy bug or be too tired to complete my workout so I would skip a planned day of workout. This didn't bother me because I knew the next day I would be able to jump back in and lift weights with Chalean Extereme or do aerobics with Turbo Fire.

This doesn't happen just with working out, but in all aspects of life. But what do you do when you are hit by something that doesn't allow you to complete a task? You can't simply give up, this would take you even
further from your goals.
 So what  to do when you are faced with something you can't do? You need to figure out another way to reach the goals that you want to reach. If it is an injury or an illness that you are facing time off to let your body heal is the first most important thing. These two things are not in your control, but the other reason you may not be able to do something is because you have put an obstacle in your own path.
First you have to assess what is the reason you feel you can't meet your goal? Lets talk about the Lazy Bug, he visit's me quite frequently, at least once a week and falls on the day that follows my day of rest.
Even one day can be the jump start to making excuses why I can' work out.
      I don't have time, False, If you have time to watch TV you have time to do a workout.
      Start planning times you can work out, write it down in the day planner between work, school, essay writing, dinner where ever you find a few minutes. If you have 20 minutes several times a day work out then.
      I am too tired, False,  Exercise provides you with the extra energy to make it through the evening            and can help you sleep better in the night.  Discovery Health reports that if you exercise vigorously in the late afternoon early evening  will allow you to have a better nights sleep. You want to participate in a cardiovascular exercise that keeps your heart rate up for 20 minutes. Exercise outdoors in the morning in direct sunlight can also help you sleep better, because the natural light when you wake up will reinforce your sleep wake cycle. So if you plan to walk in before work, do it outside your dogs will love you for it.
Exercise can be SOOOO Boring, True!  Ok the only reason I believe this is true is because I get so bored doing workouts, but my solution to this is that I have a bajillion DVDs to chose from if I get bored. I also use Team BeachBody to record, track and Schedule my workouts. Since I started using this probably 4 years ago they have scheduled my workouts, for the programs that they sell they also have an online scheduler that will let you know everyday what workout you should do that day.  So change up your routine, go a different route while running or cycling, try a new class, increase your weights, try an new machine, find a friend to workout with, or find a personal trainer that  you get along with.

 When I have healed completely I will be trying out a local Crossfit gym, this is one of my workout goals and I can't wait to experience some hardcore, maybe scary training!

I am also trying to convince Grandma that we need a pergola so I can get a set of these,

I fell in love with these workouts 4 years ago, the crazy they are the more I like them. To combat boredom also look on YouTube for workouts others are doing and make a goal list of things you would like to succeed in while you are on your workout for better health journey.
I'm too fat,False,  I used this for a long time, I didn't want to go to the gym with those skinny ladies and attractive men. I was embarrassed of my body, but the thing that I realized is it doesn't matter. You are there for your health and there for yourself and most people who are at the gym are so concerned with whatever is going on in their life, meeting a goal or "fixing" something in their body that they don't even know you are on the machine next to them. Also you might be surprised that people would be applauding you for getting out and moving, I know when I am on my way to work/school/errands I want to honk and clap for the people no matter shape or size getting outside and moving. (I don't, I would feel terrible if I scared them or made them think I was a weird workout stalker.) Of course if you have legitimate concerns talk to your doctor and get connected with workout professionals that can help you on your journey.

These are some of the excuses that I used (ok sometimes still do), but I know that working out is a habit and the more I get my booty in gear and do it, the easier it will be. It takes 21 consecutive days to start a habit and you will not regret it if you take up this habit.

For more info on Team BeachBody go here. I am an Independent BeachBody Coach and would love to help you meet whatever goals you have set for yourself! Life is a journey and you have not failed until you give up, so change your life today by making that first step and finding a 20 minute workout for tomorrow morning.

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.
Winston Churchill

Have a Fabulous weekend and get out and shake your booty I applaud you!

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